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juillet 2024

Rebirth becomes official supporter of Team France

With a rich history in their respective fields, the Rebirth group and Orient Express Racing Team share a common passion for performance and excellence. In addition, the city of Barcelona, Orient Express Racing Team and the Rebirth group, through its subsidiary Mobicity, are more than ever keen to promote soft and sustainable mobility during this event.

The rules of the America's Cup 2024 require competitors to use only human power to power the cylinders that drive the sails. And what better way to meet this requirement than with the power of cyclists' legs?The Orient Express Racing Team's Challenger team includes 8 cyclists who make up the energy cell. These are top-level athletes from the worlds of rowing and crossfit, as well as track cycling.They follow a drastic training program. The roadmap, imposed by the fitness trainer, includes numerous cycling training sessions.

Grégory Trébaol, President of the Rebirth Group, comments

“When I met the Orient Express Racing Team, I was immediately attracted by their environmental approach and the notion of carbon-free travel. It's also part of the Rebirth Group's values, which go far beyond the sporting approach. That's why, through our brands and our mobility solutions like Mobicity. We'll be supporting the athletes, as well as the staff, throughout the America's Cup.

As for Solex, we're really looking to promote a brand internationally, just like the America's Cup. It's an iconic brand, representing the French art of living. And it fits in perfectly with the values that Orient Expresse Racing Team brings to the America's Cup! “.

Stéphane Kandler, directeur général d'Orient Express Team Racing

“We are delighted to be joining forces with the French Rebirth Group, a European leader in ecomobility for almost 20 years, to become a supporter of the French national team. Reducing Co2 emissions and overall energy consumption. To have as little impact as possible, both in general and in particular. In Catalonia, where most of the team has been based since last August. With the Orient Express Racing Team, we immediately wanted to promote soft and sustainable mobility. What's more, it's easy to do so in Barcelona, where the many cycle lanes make it easy to get around by bike or scooter. The result of the city's dynamic policy in this area.

With its 7 brands and its Mobicity solution, the Rebirth group is supporting us in this commitment. In addition, when it comes to sports in the strict sense of the word, our sailors benefit from a fleet of Lejeune bicycles, one of the emblematic brands of the Rebirth Group. These are technological jewels designed for sport and performance, which our cyclists”.

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